This video talks about the glitches that can arise in a reading and their causes.  It highlights the impact of dominant energy, attachment to an outcome, over-identification with a question, and identity on a reading.  A discussion about the importance of noticing when the cards are resisting you is also provided. Guidance around staying open, neutral, curious and receptive is also provided in this video.

Dominant Energy

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Dominant Energy

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Energy and Others lesson progress
Comments 9
  • tammy engel says:

    oh! that would explain why sometimes the read i get is still talking about work and a career change … aha! thank you. xo tammy e

  • This clears up a lot with some issues I had with explanation regarding the dominant energy from someone else. Thank you

  • Paula Gregg says:

    Most of these sound like cards/Universe gives the correct answer but is just more whether we can hear it. Only time answer may be off is if Oracle/Universe wants to address dominant energy instead.

  • Paula Gregg says:

    I didn’t understand what over-identification with a question means.

  • And if the dominant energy does affect the reading and you realize that, do you then ask the same question again? Or do you wait until another day and try again?

  • Martha Sykes says:

    The concept of the cards being resistant helps a lot! I ran into that with the questions based on the universal laws, the results of my first try were consistently crazy in light of the previous work with WOTO. It came to me clearly that WOTO wanted me to reframe the questions in a more positive way to get more meaningful answers.

  • I didn’t realize that t he dominant energy can also be someone in my field or environment, but it makes sense.

    Pure gold: Be willing to course correct instead of being attached to an outcome.

  • Kathy Losic says:

    This video really gave me insight of the question and card I did right before I started this module. I asked if there was anything I needed to know before I start this new module. I got card # 6 Not for you. It really caused some confusion like what do you mean it’s not for me!!! So during this video I realized my mind was still worried over my Daughter having to work on Thanksgiving and me moving the time that we eat later in the day. Amazing!!! Thank you for the great information and reminder on how our Dominant energy can give us the wrong answer to what we thought we were asking.

  • Aila Ritola says:

    I had a perfect example of dominant energy this morning as I pulled my card for the day. I asked about working with a certain person and my card was Higher Power #4. This made no sense but after reflecting on this I realized that my dominant energy was about asking Spirit for clarity in my life which I had just done prior to meditating and choosing a card. It was the perfect card to let me know that Spirit is looking out for me and I need to work in partnership with her. I will be reflecting on this as the day progresses.

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