This video is about relationships and how to deepen the conversation between you and another person, or how to understand what’s happening between you and another person.

Relationships are always about a dynamic force between two people. The video includes a demonstration of a relationship reading using Colette and Marc as the example.


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Bringing your Magic into the World lesson progress
Comments 4
  • Paula Gregg says:

    Maybe, “Based on the dynamic between us, what do I need to know about their perception and experience in our relationship”?

  • Paula Gregg says:

    If you don’t have the other person’s permisson is there a specific, different way of asking the question for the 2nd card instead of directly about their perception or experience? I wonder how to phrase it now.

  • I decided to do a relationship spread with WOTO. I had some trouble understanding the second card “how the other person sees himself in the relationship”. I immediately went to judge myself but then took a step back, reminding me that it is difficult to understand where another person comes from. I decided to try using my Good Tarot deck as clarifiers. For starters… my understanding of these cards compared to when I first bought them last spring is like snapping my fingers. This course helped me to piece together a story with all cards present that just clicked. I was excited about what information flowed to me. Then on a deeper level, lots of things pieced together. I felt a comfort with these cards, like something clicked, like a nugget presented itself into helping me to piece together the gift I am meant to share with this world. Then another desire that I planted to have a sacred space in my home for my spiritual items literally was looking me in the face. Without having realized it, I started organizing this space a few weeks ago.

    When I take the time to align, mediate, use the cards, everything just flows. I know there will be, and there have been times during this course, where I don’t spend as much time with my daily practise. And that’s okay. I can always go back to the cards. They are very understanding.

    This is long winded. I know. But I haven’t said much during the course. It was all percolating. And it has now all come together like the flavors in a stew. So grateful. So grateful!!!

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