Comments 5
  • Love the prayer box!
    I had to do one on letting go of things, people, situations, events that were not good for me..I call it my Let go of it Box… then I burn the notes monthly.
    Since my Dad has passed away, I feel so much closer to him today… ..i’m blessed with my gifts that I really enjoy his presence he’s very supportive of my daily life.
    Really enjoyed this video… so much resonated with me.
    Thank you for all that all of you do! I’ve grown so much spiritually that it just tickles my heart. I look forward to tomorrow’s and am excited on being guided in what my Life Purpose is to become!

  • Sacha Thoman says:

    Love the prayer bowl ! I also got take a nap – it actually flew out of the deck as I was shuffling and trying to decide what spread. It is exactly what I need to do – have had a cold/ flu thing for 15 days and been trying to do everything as per usual and today I just cancelled stuff so I could rest .

  • Kathryn Kay says:

    Just listened to the call & loved it. Such high energy. I loved the prayer bowl. As an empath I have been overwhelmed lately with the all that is happening. This will be so helpful placing my prayers in a bowl. I feel the stress in my body leaving already & that I have done something construction to help others in holding their space. The hidden influence explanation cleared up my confusion on that. And I had the same challenges with the shift & laws homeplay. I think that’s what I ended up doing but it took a totally different approach. It was almost like looking into the opposite of what was said & asking am I bringing that through? Thank you so much! I want to continue with Shared Wisdom!!! Oh and the Goddess Oracle Cards were amazing!!! Thank you Colette & Doug! Happy Thanksgiving!

  • Tahnia Thamm says:

    Loved the call. Appreciated when Doug explained that the Laws readings were meant to be translated, not literal. AND THE GODDESS DECK!! I have been looking forward to this deck since you announced you were working on it! I pre-ordered them on Amazon. I LOVE the Goddesses. They are beautiful cards. 🙂

  • Colette, thank you so much for addressing my question last night on your call….I greatly appreciate your feedback and advice! I am willing to be willing to be willing. I work on it every day and WILL continue. I am so thankful for you, our mentors and the awesome OS school you have created ❤️ Peggy

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