Comments 5
  • The time has got so quickly! It’s hard to say goodby to Personal Mastery and all of you. It’s been like being at Disney World, finding one amazing ride after another. Thank you Colette, Doug, Anna, and all. I am in your debt.

  • Tina Wilson says:

    Thank you to Lou for being a clendon for me ~ may your healing go quickly

  • Wow…Wow….WOW….!!! Great last call ! 💖
    It feels good to be alive right now….haven’t felt this for So long….Thank you Colette, Doug, Anna, Mentors, Monarchs!…Thank you Universe! 💝

  • Lillie Ruby says:

    I had to wait until today to hear the Live Call, but boy….The chair exercise and how you developed a coping action was so helpful for me. I have been shy and overwhelmed so many times over my long life and never had a good tool especially being told I was wrong for being uncomfortable. I am looking forward to the freedom I feel this tool will provide for me.

  • Love what Colette said about having good self care as a foundation for heightening Intuition ♥ I fully agree. The regular practice of writing my draws and days is also a firm brick in the foundation. I am naturally an un-organised person, however this is helping me to gradually feel more mentally organised and therefore calm and tuned in to myself. I guess what I realize is that being more and more “tuned in” to being present has helped me feel less scattered and more aware of signs and signals I receive.

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